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NXT Review: 18/02

Linus O'Howell

Oba Femi Starts the Show, Kelani Jordan VS Karmen Petrovic VS Jaida Parker: NXT Women’s North American Championship Number 1 Contender’s Triple Threat

NXT kicked off in a strong manner as Oba Femi came out and straight away called out the group of individuals that attacked him at NXT Vengeance Day! However, Oba was then interrupted by none other than Moose as the TNA X Division Champion came face-to-face with the NXT Champion in what was a surreal moment! Not much was said here, it was a short segment, but the visual of Moose and Femi in the ring together was memorable!

Credit: WWE
Credit: WWE

Grade: B


Credit: WWE
Credit: WWE

Eddy Thorpe wasn’t particularly polite about Andre Chase which ticked Kale Dixon off before it was time for the first match of the night as Kelani Jordan, Karmen Petrovic, and Jaida Parker clashed for the right to face Stephanie Vaquer for the NXT Women’s North American Championship! I thought this was a decent match, it got a good amount of time, and I thought all 3 women did well! Kelani Jordan was probably the best out of the 3, but that’s not really surprising whilst Jaida Parker just did a lot of showboating. In fact, that showboating cost Miss Parker as Ashante “Thee” Adonis took advantage of the situation, throwing Karmen Petrovic back into the ring who just pinned Kelani whilst Jaida was celebrating! After the match, Parker and Jordan brawled to the back before Fatal Influence attacked Petrovic, only for them to get sent to the outside by Guilia, Vaquer, and Jordynne Grace! I have to say, this was very smart thinking from Ashante!

Grade: B-


Meta-Four VS Sol Ruca and Zaria, Ricky Starks’ NXT Contract Signing

Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo told the rest of The D’Angelo Family that it’s time for him to step up before it was time for some Tag Team action as Meta-Four took on the duo of Sol Ruca and Zaria! This was also a good match, it was another one that got plenty of time, and I honestly enjoyed it! I think Meta-Four are really good, that’s pretty clear by now, and I think the duo of Zaria and Sol also work quite well together. I mean, despite how big Lash Legend is, Zaria was able to run through her at times, and some of the Spears she hit were absolutely devastating! In the end, a Spear to Jakara Jackson followed by a Sol Snatcher was enough for the good guys to get the win, and I guess we have to stay tuned for where this is all heading!

Grade: B-


After Wes Lee’s interview time was cut short so Sarah Schrieber could speak to NXT’s newest acquisition, Ava headed down to the ring to head the NXT Contract Signing of Ricky Starks! Ricky talked about his excitement to be in NXT and how he’s meant to be here before Ethan Page interrupted to remind his old friend of the standards that he set when he came into NXT and quickly became the NXT Champion! Je’Von Evans then showed up to start a brawl with Page before Wes Lee’s music hit as Wes was not happy about being disrespected earlier in the night. Ultimately, Starks sent Lee to the outside before he signed the contract, and the real thing of note is he is now known as “Ricky Saints”! Interesting name choice!

Credit: WWE on YouTube
Credit: WWE on YouTube

Grade: C+


Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo VS Shawn Spears, Andre Chase VS Eddy Thorpe

Axiom and Nathan Frazer were cutting a promo backstage before the No Quarter Catch Crew walked in and said they want to face the Best Tag Team in the World! However, they weren’t talking about FRAXIOM, and instead about The Hardy Boyz (which is actually pretty insane)! Ricky Saints then found a bunch of the NXT Tag Team Division laid out on the floor before Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo was looking for some revenge against Shawn Spears. This was fine, but it didn’t really add much to the show, it very much felt like a filler match because of the simple fact that without Tony D’Angelo, The D’Angelo Family isn’t very interesting whilst Shawn Spears just can’t get over with the crowd! Ultimately, Spears managed to get the win with the C4, and I’m assuming he’ll challenge for the NXT North American Championship soon!

Grade: C


Moose was walking backstage before Lexis King interrupted him and told Moose that TNA Wrestlers should be defending their Titles too. The X Division Champion agreed which is why those two will face off next week before Eddy Thorpe was ready to go one-on-one with Andre Chase! It’s been very unclear as to what NXT has planned with Andre Chase following the end of Chase University, like he could easily be a sympathetic Babyface, or a revengeful Heel (something I would quite like to see)! In this match, the crowd were getting behind him for the simple fact that they can’t stand Eddy Thorpe, and that’s actually very smart if Chase is going to remain a good guy! However, Mr. Chase got too upset over his students not being in the crowd to the point where Thorpe was able to take advantage and get the victory!

Grade: C+


Giulia, Stephanie Vaquer, and Jordynne Grace VS Fatal Influence

After a couple of Tag Team matches were made for next week (including The Hardy’s against the NQCC), it was Main Event time as Giulia, Jordynne Grace, and Stephanie Vaquer came together to take on Fatal Influence! This was the third women’s match of the night, and it was the third good one too! We already know I like Fatal Influence, I think all 3 women bring something to the table, but this was all about the good guys! Giulia is great, Stephanie Vaquer is amazing, and Jordynne Grace was made to look like a machine here! Despite Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx’s best efforts, they just couldn’t take The Juggernaut down, and eventually, Grace got the win with her finisher! After the match was finished, we cut to Ava’s office to see it be completely destroyed by this new thug group, and Mr. Stone was also wrecked too!

Credit: WWE
Credit: WWE

Grade: B-


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