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  • Linus O'Howell

NXT Review: 11/10

Bron Breakker VS Javier Bernal

NXT Kicked off with Vic Joseph welcoming his brand-new broadcast colleague Booker T to the commentary table. We then properly started with the NXT Champion Bron Breakker taking on “big body Javier”, Javier Bernal. The match wasn’t too long, Breakker dominated for the most part and got the win with the military press powerslam. JD McDonagh was on commentary during the match and once it ended, he went into the ring and got into the champions face. Ilja Dragunov’s music then hit, and he came down to the ring before he was met with a massive headbutt from his former rival. After a small brawl between Breakker and McDonagh, Dragunov attempted to hit a running kick into JD, but he moved out the way, meaning the former NXT UK Champion went straight into Bron Breakker. The match wasn’t great, but the aftermath was pretty good.

Grade: B- (mainly due to the aftermath)

Axiom VS Nathan Frazer III

Alba Fyre had her own video promo where she announced that she is facing Mandy Rose for the NXT Women’s Championship at Halloween Havoc. After this, we got the final match of the trilogy between Axiom and Nathan Frazer. Their first 2 matches were great, but this was another level. This is a match of the year candidate, particularly in NXT. These two are amazing highflyers and they showed that, but they also showed everyone how good they are technically, particularly Axiom. Also, both men are brilliant strikers. Superkicks, knee strikes, submissions, top rope dives, this match had it all. In the end, Nathan Frazer got the win with a surprise roll-up. Both men have benefited from this tremendously and the win means Nathan Frazer is going to Halloween Havoc. Arguably, Frazer should win that match. The two shook hands after the match and their series showed that you can easily do good guy vs good guy and it still be amazing. Perfect feud.

Grade: A

Backstage segments, Valentino Feroz VS Indi Hartwell

Ilja Dragunov was ready to go home but he was disrespected by Grayson Waller in the parking lot. Dragunov laughed it off and challenged Waller to a match later on tonight. Valentino Feroz then asked Sanga to be in her corner before Indi Hartwell told her that this was her ring. Apollo Crews had another one of his eerie videos. This time, his vision showcased Chucky. I’m assuming that means that Crews VS Waller is going to be a Chucky’s choice match. We then saw Valentino Feroz and Indi Hartwell in the ring ready for their match. During the match, Veer Mahaan came down to the ring, whispered into Sanga’s ear before both men walked off. Feroz showcased some decent potential, but she couldn’t recover after she realised that Sanga was no longer there to support her. Indi Hartwell hit her finishing move to get the win. Indi needs to go to Raw now.

Grade: C

NXT Tag Team Championship Number 1 contenders match

After Indi won, Pretty Deadly interrupted the celebration to “hype up” the following tag team number 1 contenders match. They were dressed up as stereotypical American sports fans. We then went backstage were McKenzie Mitchell asked Cora Jade if she had picked an opponent for Roxanne Perez. Mitchell then announced that Roxanne Perez would be appearing on Friday Night SmackDown this week. We then came back to the ring where Briggs and Jensen, Enofe and Blade and the Dyad all fought for the right to challenge Pretty Deadly in the future. The match was actually pretty alright, The Dyad are a really good tag team and Edris Enofe, and Malik Blade are talented. The biggest takeaway I took from this match was how good Josh Briggs looked. He brought so much energy and fire to the match and the move he hit to Blade on the outside of the ring was incredible. Just as the Dyad looked like they were going to win, Cameron Grimes hit the cave-in onto Joe Gacy before Blade won with the roll-up. It was a surprise win and I didn’t mind it. Enofe and Blade VS Pretty Deadly should be pretty decent.

Grade: B

Alba Fyre VS Jacy Jayne

Toxic Attraction’s Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne cut a promo saying they had a surprise instore for Alba Fyre. We then saw Kiana James on the phone with someone about potentially buying a piece of land. That land happens to be where Chase University is located. It was then time for Alba Fyre to take on Jacy Jayne. The match was pretty solid, Jacy Jayne is getting better and better and Alba Fyre is arguably one of the best in-ring talents in all of NXT. Alba Fyre managed to put her opponent away with the Gory Bomb and whilst she was celebrating, she was attacked by someone in the crowd. That person was Sonya Deville. Deville attacked the former “forever champion” before she, Jayne and Dolin put her through the table with a powerbomb. This was really cool, there’s so much history between Rose and Deville so that will create even more intrigue into the group.

Grade: B+ (because of Deville)

Backstage interviews, Wes Lee VS Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo

The Schism walked out of the arena looking very angry. They were so angry; Jagger Reid punched the camera man before Gacy picked up the camera and challenged Grimes to a six-man tag. He fully expected that Grimes would fight alone though. A really good video then aired showcasing Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons history. Zoey Stark was there helping out for the NXT try outs that Nikkita Lyons was a part of which is really cool. They then claimed that they are going to become the brand-new NXT Women’s tag team champions. We then saw a backstage segment between Quincy Elliott and Hank Walker before it was time for Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo to get some revenge on Wes Lee. Stacks continued to attack the leg of Wes Lee, trying to injure him the same way that Lee did to D’Angelo. In the end though, Wes Lee hit his highflying dive to get the win. After the match, Trick Williams and Carmelo Hayes attacked him before Oro Mensah came down to make the save. I’m assuming that’s going to be made into a tag match for next week's show.

Grade: C for the match

Sonya Deville announces her intentions, Kiana James VS Thea Hail

Sonya Deville was backstage before McKenzie Mitchell asked her why she showed up on NXT. The Jersey Devil referred to her feud with Mandy Rose before she said that the two are still best friends. She said that because of that, she has Gigi’s and Jacy’s back and challenged Alba Fyre to a match next week. The big question is does she have Rose’s back or is she going to tear apart Toxic Attraction from within. Time will tell.

Diamond Mine were then sitting in the hospital before Ivy Nile brought out Roderick Strong. Roddy apologised for bringing Damon Kemp into the Diamond Mine before he told Julius Creed that he has to win. This was good stuff, it’s nice to see Roddy Strong back in some way. We then sort of got Kiana James VS Thea Hail. I say sort of because Mr. Stone came down to the ring very angry about how Hail had embarrassed him last week. Hail then body-slammed him again but then turned straight into the 401K meaning that Kiana James got the win. Kiana James needs to be wrestling for longer as otherwise, she is never going to improve.

Grade: D

Lots of mystery for next week's episode

Tony D’Angelo was back and he confronted Stacks backstage. He was in crutches and he told Stacks that he wasn’t impressed with his performance out there. He then announced that he had found an opponent for Stacks next week and whilst Lorenzo asked him who it was, D’Angelo said he would know once his opponents entrance theme hit. Interesting. Von Wagner then told Mr. Stone that he needed to get more serious before Cameron Grimes told McKenzie Mitchell and the entire NXT Universe that even though he may not trust anyone on NXT, that doesn’t go for the whole of WWE. Even more interesting. Cora Jade was then back, and she announced that she would be appearing on next week's Monday Night Raw to find an opponent for Roxanne Perez. There’s potential that 5 main roster stars appear on next week’s NXT which is awesome.

Ilja Dragunov VS Grayson Waller

The main event saw “the Czar” Ilja Dragunov take on “the arrogant Aussie” Grayson Waller in a pretty solid contest. Dragunov is teaching everyone that didn’t see him on NXT UK that he is one of the best wrestlers around right now whilst Grayson Waller is an excellent heel. At one point, he even told brand-new NXT Commentator Booker T to “suck it” which was pretty funny. As Grayson Waller was on the entrance ramp, the wheel for Halloween Havoc just started spinning. This creeped Waller out and when he got back in the ring, he was met by the running uppercut which saw Dragunov get the win. This was good stuff, but it got even better afterwards. Whilst Dragunov was celebrating in the ring, he turned around and got met with a devastating spear. The camera then showed JD McDonagh standing in the crowd with his trademark sadistic smile. This was all great. Dragunov showcased his in-ring ability, Breakker showed everyone that he will take anyone out that does the same to him and JD’s smile shows that as of now, his plan is working to perfection. Maybe the best part of this triple threat match is I could actually see any of these three men walking out with the gold which is always what you want.

Grade: B for the match, A- for the closing angle

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