Chelsea Green and Piper Niven VS Sol Ruca and Zaria

NXT kicked off this week with Tag Team action as Chelsea Green and Piper Niven clashed with Sol Ruca and Zaria! This was a decent start to the show, I really enjoy watching Chelsea and Piper together, and they did a good job here of making both Sol and Zaria look strong (which is always how it should be)! The duo of Zaria and Ruca also works well, they compliment each other, and towards the end, Zaria was able to drop Piper with a Z5 onto Chelsea before Sol nailed a Sol Snatcher on the Women’s United States Champion to get the big win! Maybe we get Chelsea VS Sol soon; that could be fun!
Grade: C+
Jaida Parker VS Kelani Jordan, The Hardy Boyz Appear on NXT

Jordynne Grace was speaking to Ava about Roxanne Perez before Cora Jade came in and talked trash about the TNA Knockout’s Division, leading to Grace challenging Jade to a match for later in the show! Trick Williams then got angry at Kale Dixon for giving Ava a welcoming basket (yes, you read that right) before Jaida Parker clashed with Kelani Jordan! I enjoyed this match, I thought it was definitely the match of the night, and it was another example of why no one has a better Women’s Division than NXT! What I also liked about this match is given both women’s talents and position in the card, it was unclear as to who was going to get the win, and that only gets me more invested! Ultimately, Jaida was able to nail Kelani with a Hypnotic to get the win before Miss Parker called out the winner of the Giulia-Stephanie Vaquer Champion VS Champion match!
Grade: B
Kelly Kincaid returned to NXT to interview Tony D’Angelo about his NXT North American Championship defense against Shawn Spears, and The Don made it clear that there’s only one Family that runs NXT! Oba Femi was then in the NXT Press Conference room to answer some questions about Moose, and Oba was very adamant about the fact that he will leave Roadblock “and still” the NXT Champion! The Hardy Boyz then arrived in the NXT Performance Center for the very first time as they wanted to talk about the buzz surrounding NXT and how hungry the locker room is! Hank and Tank then interrupted to ask Matt and Jeff for some advice before Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura came out to challenge the TNA World Tag Team Champions! This started a brawl between the two teams before Axiom and Nathan Frazer came out for a nice face-to-face before next week’s huge clash! This wasn’t much of a segment, it was simply done to get The Hardy Boyz in front of the amazing Orlando crowd, but it was cool!
Grade: C+
Cora Jade VS Jordynne Grace, Trick Williams VS Kale Dixon
After a video package hyping up next week’s Champion VS Champion match between Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer, Jordynne Grace made her way down to the ring to go one-on-one with Cora Jade! What we got here was decent, both women seemed to click pretty early on, but unfortunately, this match only lasted a couple of minutes because after an ad break, we came back to see Cora Jade injured, meaning the referee was forced to stop the fight! All I can say is I really hope Cora’s okay because another injury would be horrible.
Grade: N/A
Shawn Spears had a video package saying that he was going to end the night as the NXT North American Champion before Ethan Page and Je’Von Evans went at each other in a sit-down interview! There wasn’t really enough here to be able to give this a full grade, both men said the same stuff they’ve been saying for weeks now, but I will say that Page’s delivery is always on point! It was then time to head back down to the ring as Trick Williams was looking to take his anger out on Kale Dixon! Amazingly, this match was even shorter than the previous one as Trick nailed Dixon with a Trick Shot before a few strikes to the head resulted in the referee calling for the stoppage! It’s kind of crazy that this happened on a show where a match was already cut short, but pecking order-wise it makes sense!
Grade: C
Roxanne Perez had attacked Jordynne Grace in the backstage area before Moose answered some questions about Oba Femi, saying that Oba is an amazing Champion, but that he will leave Madison Square Garden as a double Champion! Ava was then answering some questions before Fatal Influence interrupted with a question of their own, and then we got a moment where Ricky Saints came across both Ridge Holland, and more importantly, Shawn Spears!
NXT North American Championship: Tony D’Angelo VS Shawn Spears

It was then Main Event time as Tony D’Angelo put his NXT North American Championship on the line against Shawn Spears! This match got a decent amount of time, and I thought it was solid. Neither guy particularly excites me in-ring-wise, but I still thought there were some good moments here, and it wasn’t clear as to which man was going to get the win! I mean, Shawn kicked out of Forget About It whilst Tony D kicked out of the C4 (in what was a genuinely good near fall)! Ultimately, though, The Don’s back gave out, allowing Spears to steal a win over D’Angelo and become the brand-new NXT North American Champion! I have no issue with Shawn Spears holding the North American Title for a bit, I think it benefits his group a lot!
